Bringing a new baby into your family is one of life’s most miraculous and amazing moments. Newborn days are so precious, and we can appreciate how quickly these days go by and how important it is to capture every sweet and tiny detail of your new infant. As a newborn photographer in Mission I want to help you prepare for your newborn shoot.

Taking care of mom is number one! As a new mom you must first take time for yourself to rest and recover from the childbirth experience, please do not rush and try to accomplish everything too soon! Exceptions to the rule can always be made!
Newborns change so much and so fast in the first couple of weeks after birth. As parents we want to capture our babies’ delicate features. At the same time the first couple of weeks of life with a newborn can be full of mixed emotions, recovery, discovery, and adaptation. Braving a newborn shoot in this sensitive time can be intimidating, and scary at the same time. That is why having professional photography in Mission done can take some of your worries away.

As a newborn photographer in Vancouver / Mission I am a firm believer that capturing memories of this special time should not distract from the memories itself. I also understand that all mothers do not feel very photogenic in those first few days after birth, however just remember those precious days go by so quickly and you never get them back. I myself was one of those moms who opted for newborn images only and I regret not having some of those precious, natural moments captured because as a family photographer in Vancouver I have seen how special it is to capture those family photography moments and I do regret not having them taken.
Here are some tips to ensure your newborn photography session goes as smoothly as possible to be able to capture those timeless memories.
How Old Should the Newborn be?
As a Newborn photographer in Mission Abbotsford area, I normally schedule a session before baby is 10 days old. Having said that the session is more successful the earlier it can be set. After 10 days of age newborns become more alert and typical, and baby acne can start to appear.
Do you Supply Props?

Doing styled newborn photography in Mission I have my own props, however if you have a special blanket or stuffy that you are wanting in your photos I welcome you to bring them along and I try my best to accommodate your request. As a professional newborn photographer I ensure my props are cleaned and sanitized after every shoot. Safety of your baby is my number one priority.

After the newborn photography is completed when should I book my next session?
A lot of my clients like to use my milestone package which includes Maternity Photography Session, Newborn photography session, then at 3, 6, 9, and 12 Months / or Cake Smash Photography Session.

There are many different types of photography that I offer including Family photography in Vancouver / Mission. Children Photography in Vancouver / Mission, Maternity photography in Vancouver / Mission as well as Cake Smash Photography in Vancouver / Mission.

How Long are the sessions?
My session takes place in my newborn photography studio in Mission with controlled lighting, while it focuses on the baby and the usage of props. The session can take up to three hours in length depending on how the newborn reacts to the new setting.

Can Family also be in newborn photos?
Doing family photography in Vancouver / Mission I know the importance of family photography so it is important to discuss beforehand if you are wanting family shots, sibling shots and parent shots to be incorporated within your Newborn photography Session.

Is there a better time of day to book photos?
Try to arrange your session so that it overlaps with babies sleepy time. It’s also a good idea to try and feed your baby just before the session starts. Try and keep your baby awake for at least 1 – 2 hours before the session. The sleepier the baby the better! We are able to achieve many different poses.

What should my baby wear to the photoshoot?
Try to avoid having to unnecessarily dress or undress baby once the session starts an over the head onesie or sleeper is perfect, it can easily be taken off to transfer to different props and accessories.The Newborn Photography Studio in Mission is kept extremely warm for the baby, especially because some of the shots that are taken baby is in a wrap or wearing very little clothing. I actually recommend that parents dress in layers so they are able to remove clothing if they get to hot.

How do you keep baby calm and sleepy?
White noise or womb sounds can have a calming effect on the newborn during the session.
Have pacifier at hand if your baby uses one.
What should I wear for the photos?
When doing professional photography in Mission / Vancouver I recommend wearing coordinating colours, choose a couple of colours and choose clothes that will fit in this colour scheme. Another suggestion would be to look at your home decor and choose colours that will go with the colour schemes of your home.

Limit patterns, as it may be distractive to the final image, just remember plain is better avoid character clothing. Lastly think classic, these photos will be hung on your wall and treasured for years to come, by choosing simple, classic clothes you will give your images a timeless feel.

Most importantly remember to have fun and treasure every precious moment of your newborn as time goes so quickly, capture every little moment you can. You will have beautiful images of your little one. You’ll have a hard time remembering how tiny and precious your son or daughter was, they grow so fast, its hard to believe looking at your portraits, that she was this small only 6 months ago.